What Goes with Chili: 10 Perfect Pairings for Your Next Meal


Chili is more than just a dish; it’s a warm embrace on a chilly evening, a centerpiece for gatherings, and a canvas for culinary creativity. Whether you’re simmering a classic beef chili or venturing into vegetarian territory, the question remains: what goes with chili? This guide takes you through an array of sides, desserts, and accompaniments that promise to elevate your chili experience.

What to Have with Chili

Chili, with its rich and spicy flavors, pairs wonderfully with a variety of sides. Focusing on classic options, cornbread, baked potatoes, and sweet potatoes stand out for their versatility and ability to complement chili.


  • Jalapeño Cheddar Cornbread: This spicy and cheesy variation brings a kick that complements the warmth of chili. Incorporate diced jalapeños and shredded cheddar cheese into the batter. Bake until golden and serve warm for a melty, spicy treat.
  • Skillet Honey Cornbread: A sweet and moist version that pairs beautifully with the savory depth of chili. Adding honey to the batter creates a delightful balance of flavors. Baked in a cast-iron skillet, this cornbread gets a beautifully crisp edge.
  • Buttermilk Cornbread: The tanginess of buttermilk enhances the natural flavors of cornmeal, resulting in a tender, flavorful bread. This classic recipe is simple yet perfect for sopping up hearty chili. Bake until it has a golden crust and a soft, fluffy interior.

Sweet Potatoes

chili pairings
  • Classic Baked Sweet Potatoes: Baked until tender and caramelized, these offer a sweet contrast to chili’s spice. Their natural sweetness and soft texture make them a comforting side dish.
  • Sweet Potato Wedges: Roasted with a hint of cinnamon and paprika, these wedges are a flavorful and easy-to-share option. Their crispy edges and soft interior pair well with chili’s texture and taste.
  • Mashed Sweet Potatoes: Boiled and mashed with a touch of maple syrup and butter, this side dish brings a creamy texture and a sweet flavor profile that contrasts nicely with spicy chili.

Refreshing Salads and Vegetables

Broccoli-Cauliflower Salad

This refreshing salad combines raw broccoli and cauliflower florets, tossed with a light creamy dressing, crispy bacon bits, and shredded cheese. It’s a crunchy, savory side that can provide a refreshing contrast to the richness of chili.

Savory Roasted Root Vegetables

A medley of root vegetables such as carrots, parsnips, and sweet potatoes, tossed with olive oil, rosemary, thyme, and garlic, then roasted until tender and caramelized. This side dish brings out the natural sweetness and earthiness of the vegetables, serving as a hearty complement to chili.

What Dessert Goes With Chili

After enjoying a hearty bowl of chili, a dessert that complements the spicy and savory flavors of the meal can be a delightful way to round off the dining experience. Here are some sweet treats that pair wonderfully with chili, offering a balance to its richness and heat:

  1. Cinnamon Spiced Apple Crisp

A warm, comforting apple crisp, laced with cinnamon and topped with a crunchy oat streusel, offers a sweet and slightly spiced counterpoint to chili. The warmth of the dessert and the familiar comfort of baked apples and cinnamon can soothe the palate after the spice of the chili.

  1. Chocolate Chili Brownies

Incorporating a hint of chili powder into chocolate brownies can create a fascinating flavor profile that echoes the main meal. The richness of the chocolate pairs well with the subtle heat, offering a unique dessert option that’s not overly sweet but immensely satisfying.

  1. Classic Vanilla Ice Cream

Sometimes, simplicity is key. A scoop of classic vanilla ice cream can be the perfect dessert after chili. Its cool, creamy texture and mild flavor offer a refreshing contrast to the warmth and complexity of the spices in chili. For an added twist, a drizzle of caramel sauce or a sprinkle of sea salt can elevate the ice cream without overpowering its soothing qualities.

Unique Chili Pairings


Classic Pub Style Nachos

How to Pair: Lay out a bed of crispy tortilla chips on a large platter, then spoon hot chili over the top. Add a generous sprinkle of shredded cheese (cheddar or a mix of cheeses works well) and broil briefly until the cheese is melted and bubbly. Finish with dollops of sour cream, sliced jalapeños, diced tomatoes, and chopped green onions. For an extra layer of flavor, a drizzle of guacamole or avocado cream can add a cool, creamy contrast to the spicy chili.

Why It Works: The crunch of the tortilla chips against the hearty chili creates a satisfying texture contrast, while the melted cheese ties the two components together with its gooey richness. The fresh toppings add bursts of flavor and a touch of heat, making each bite exciting and well-rounded.

Baked Zucchini Fries

How to Pair: Slice zucchini into fry-shaped sticks, coat them in a mixture of breadcrumbs (seasoned with Parmesan, garlic powder, and smoked paprika for extra flavor), and bake until crispy. Serve these zucchini fries as a side for dipping into the chili or top them directly with chili and a sprinkle of cheese before a final bake to melt the cheese.

Why It Works: Baked zucchini fries offer a lighter, veggie-centric alternative to traditional fries. Their crispy exterior and tender interior provide a delightful contrast to the rich and meaty chili. This pairing not only adds a healthy twist to the meal but also introduces a different way to enjoy vegetables with chili, enhancing the overall flavor and texture profile of the dish.


How long is chili good for in the fridge?

Chili stored in an airtight container can last 3-4 days in the fridge. Ensure it’s cooled to room temperature before refrigerating.

Is chili gluten-free?

Traditional chili recipes can be gluten-free, but it’s essential to check the ingredients of any added sauces or seasonings for hidden gluten.

How hot is a ghost chili?

The ghost chili, or Bhut Jolokia, is one of the hottest peppers, measuring over 1 million Scoville Heat Units. It’s not for the faint-hearted!

Can chili be made vegetarian?

Absolutely! Substitute meat with beans, lentils, or textured vegetable protein for a hearty vegetarian chili that’s just as satisfying.

What’s the best way to thicken chili?

To thicken chili, you can simmer it uncovered to reduce the liquid, mash some of the beans, or add a cornstarch slurry towards the end of cooking.


Chili is a dish that invites experimentation and personalization. Whether you’re serving it with a side of cornbread, a refreshing salad, or ending the meal with a sweet dessert, the possibilities are endless. Remember, the best chili accompaniments are the ones that complement its rich flavors and bring joy to your table. So, gather your ingredients, and let’s make your next chili night unforgettable.

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