Gluten Free Bagels: Chewy, Delicious & Easy to Make


Gluten-free bagels? Yes, they’re a thing, and they’re spectacular! If you’ve been missing the chewy, satisfying bite of a traditional bagel since going gluten-free, you’re in for a treat. This guide is your all-access pass to understanding, making, and savoring gluten-free bagels that rival their gluten-containing counterparts in every way.

Who invented bagels?

The origin of bagels is somewhat debated, but they are widely believed to have been invented in the Jewish communities of Poland in the 16th or 17th century. The first known mention of the bagel dates back to 1610 in the Community Regulations of Kraków, Poland, which stated that bagels were given as a gift to women in childbirth.


Gluten-Free Flour Blend:

  • 2 cups (280g) gluten-free all-purpose flour (look for a blend that contains xanthan gum, as it helps with the texture)
  • 1/2 cup (60g) almond flour (for protein and flavor)
  • 1/4 cup (35g) tapioca starch (for chewiness)

Wet Ingredients:

  • 1 1/4 cups (300ml) warm water (about 110°F or 45°C)
  • 1 packet (2 1/4 teaspoons) instant yeast
  • 2 tablespoons (25g) granulated sugar
  • 1/4 cup (60ml) olive oil
  • 2 teaspoons apple cider vinegar (helps to activate the yeast and improve the dough’s texture)

Other Ingredients:

  • 1 1/2 teaspoons salt
  • 1 teaspoon baking powder (ensures rise)
  • Sesame seeds, poppy seeds, or any other toppings you like



Activate the Yeast:

  1. In a small bowl, combine the warm water, sugar, and yeast. Stir gently and let it sit for 5-10 minutes, or until it becomes frothy. This indicates that the yeast is active.

Mix the Dry Ingredients:

  1. In a large mixing bowl, whisk together the gluten-free all-purpose flour, almond flour, tapioca starch, salt, and baking powder.

Combine Wet and Dry Ingredients:

  1. To the dry ingredients, add the activated yeast mixture, olive oil, and apple cider vinegar. Mix until a sticky dough forms. If the dough is too dry, add a little more warm water, one tablespoon at a time.

First Rise:

  1. Cover the bowl with a damp cloth and let the dough rise in a warm place for about 1 hour, or until it has nearly doubled in size.

Shape the Bagels:

  1. Preheat your oven to 425°F (220°C). Line a baking sheet with parchment paper.
  2. With wet hands (to prevent sticking), divide the dough into 8 equal portions. Roll each portion into a ball, then poke a hole in the center with your finger and stretch it out slightly to form a bagel shape. Place the shaped bagels on the prepared baking sheet.

Boil the Bagels:

  1. Bring a large pot of water to a boil. Gently lower the bagels into the water, boiling them for about 1 minute on each side. This step is crucial for achieving the classic bagel crust and chewy texture.
  2. Remove the bagels with a slotted spoon and place them back on the baking sheet.

Add Toppings:

  1. Brush the top of each bagel with a bit of water or olive oil and sprinkle your chosen toppings (e.g., sesame seeds, poppy seeds) over them.


  1. Bake in the preheated oven for 20-25 minutes, or until the bagels are golden brown.


  1. Let the bagels cool on a wire rack before slicing and serving.

Enjoy your homemade gluten-free bagels with your favorite spreads and toppings! Remember, the key to successful gluten-free baking is precision, so measure your ingredients carefully and don’t rush the process.

Shaping Your Bagels


Shaping bagels, especially gluten-free ones, can be a bit tricky due to the different texture of the dough. However, with a little patience and practice, you can achieve beautifully shaped bagels. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you shape your gluten-free bagels:

Preparing the Dough

After your gluten-free bagel dough has risen and is ready to shape:

  • Dust your surface: Lightly dust a clean work surface with a bit of gluten-free flour to prevent sticking. For gluten-free doughs, which can be stickier, you might also want to lightly oil your hands instead of using flour.
  • Divide the dough: Turn the dough out onto your prepared surface. Using a knife or a dough scraper, divide the dough into equal portions. A typical batch can be divided into 8 pieces for standard-sized bagels or 10-12 pieces for mini bagels.


  • Form balls: Take each portion of dough and roll it into a ball. The dough might be sticky, so keep your hands lightly oiled to prevent sticking. If the dough resists or springs back, let it rest for a few minutes before trying again.
  • Poke and stretch: Once you have a smooth ball, use your thumb to poke a hole through the center of the ball. Then, gently rotate your thumbs around each other, stretching the dough outwards. The hole should be about 1 to 2 inches wide, as it will close up slightly during boiling and baking.
  • Even out: If the bagel shape is a bit uneven, gently roll it between your palms to smooth it out. The goal is to have a uniform ring that’s even in thickness all around to ensure even baking.

Tips for Success

  • Consistency is key: Try to keep all your bagels the same size and shape for even baking.
  • Wet hands: Keeping your hands slightly wet or oiled can prevent the dough from sticking too much while shaping.
  • Resting: If the dough becomes too elastic and difficult to shape, let it rest for a few minutes. Gluten-free doughs can benefit from a short rest as it allows the flours to hydrate further and makes the dough easier to work with.
  • Hole size: Make the hole in the center larger than you think it needs to be. It will shrink during the boiling and baking process.

After shaping, proceed with boiling the bagels, which helps set the crust and contributes to their characteristic chewy texture. Then, bake until golden brown and enjoy your homemade gluten-free bagels!

The Boiling Technique

The boiling technique is a crucial step in making bagels, including gluten-free ones. This process gives bagels their distinctive chewy texture and shiny crust. Here’s how to boil your bagels effectively:

Preparing the Water Bath

  • Fill a large pot: Choose a large, wide pot and fill it with water. The pot should be big enough to allow 2-3 bagels to float without touching each other. For every 2 quarts (liters) of water, add 1 tablespoon of granulated sugar or malt syrup. The sugar or malt syrup helps the bagels brown during baking.
  • Bring to a boil: Bring the water to a rolling boil over high heat. Once boiling, you can reduce the heat to maintain a gentle boil. This will prevent the bagels from bouncing around too much and potentially deforming.

Boiling the Bagels

  • Prepare for boiling: Line a baking sheet with a clean kitchen towel or paper towels. This will be used to drain the bagels after boiling. Have a slotted spoon or a spider strainer ready for transferring the bagels.
  • Boil in batches: Gently lower the bagels into the boiling water using the slotted spoon. Don’t overcrowd the pot; boil only 2-3 bagels at a time to ensure even cooking and to maintain the water temperature.
  • Boil time: Boil the bagels for about 30 seconds to 1 minute on each side. For a chewier crust, extend the boiling time to 2 minutes per side. The longer they boil, the chewier the crust will be.
  • Flip: Use the slotted spoon to carefully flip the bagels halfway through the boiling time to ensure they are evenly cooked on both sides.
  • Remove and drain: After boiling, use the slotted spoon to transfer the bagels to the prepared towel-lined baking sheet to drain any excess water. This step prevents the bagels from becoming soggy.

Tips for Successful Boiling

  • Consistent boil: Keep the water at a steady, gentle boil. A vigorous boil can damage the delicate bagels.
  • Adjusting taste and texture: Experiment with adding baking soda to the boiling water (about 1 tablespoon per 2 quarts/liters of water) for a pretzel-like crust, or increase the sugar/malt syrup for a sweeter crust.
  • Timing: Adjust boiling times based on your texture preference. Shorter boiling times result in a softer crust, while longer times create a chewier crust.

After boiling, you can add toppings to your bagels, such as sesame seeds, poppy seeds, or coarse salt, by dipping the wet bagels into the toppings or sprinkling them on top. Then, bake according to your recipe’s instructions until golden brown and delicious.

Baking to Perfection


Baking is the final step in creating your perfect gluten-free bagels, transforming the boiled dough into a delicious, golden-brown treat. Here’s how to bake your gluten-free bagels to perfection:

Preparing for Baking

  • Preheat the Oven: Start by preheating your oven to a high temperature, typically around 425°F (220°C). A hot oven is crucial for getting a nice crust on your bagels. Make sure your oven reaches the desired temperature before baking.
  • Prepare the Baking Sheet: Line a baking sheet with parchment paper. If you boiled and then added toppings to your bagels, they should already be on this prepared sheet. If not, transfer the bagels to the sheet, ensuring they are not touching.
  • Egg Wash (Optional): For a shinier and darker crust, consider applying an egg wash (1 egg beaten with 1 tablespoon of water) to the bagels before baking. This step is optional but can enhance the appearance and taste of the crust.

Baking the Bagels

  • Bake: Place the baking sheet in the preheated oven. Bake the bagels for about 20-25 minutes, or until they are golden brown. The exact time can vary depending on your oven and the size of your bagels, so it’s a good idea to start checking them around the 15-minute mark.
  • Rotate the Sheet: If your oven has hot spots or doesn’t bake evenly, rotate the baking sheet halfway through the baking time to ensure even browning.
  • Check for Doneness: The bagels should have a rich, golden-brown color and a firm crust. You can also check the internal temperature with an instant-read thermometer; it should read around 190°F (88°C) when they’re done.


  • Cool on a Wire Rack: Once baked, remove the bagels from the oven and transfer them to a wire cooling rack. This stops the baking process and prevents the bagels from becoming soggy by allowing air to circulate around them.
  • Wait Before Slicing: It’s tempting to slice into a hot bagel, but waiting until they’ve cooled down a bit can improve the texture and make slicing easier. Give them at least 20 minutes to cool down.

Tips for Perfect Gluten-Free Bagels

  • Oven Thermometer: Considering oven temperatures can vary, using an oven thermometer ensures your oven is at the right temperature for baking your bagels.
  • Steam: Some bakers like to introduce steam during the first few minutes of baking to help the bagels rise better and create a shinier crust. You can do this by placing a pan of hot water on the bottom rack of your oven when you put the bagels in to bake.
  • Storage: Once cooled, bagels can be stored in an airtight container at room temperature for a few days. For longer storage, slice and freeze them, then toast directly from frozen.

Exploring Varieties: Asiago Bagel

This bagel incorporates the rich, nutty flavor of Asiago cheese both inside the dough and as a topping, creating a savory treat that cheese lovers will adore. Here’s how to make Asiago Bagels, starting from the base gluten-free bagel recipe provided earlier:

Ingredients Modification

To make Asiago Bagels, you’ll need to add the following to the base ingredients:

  • 1 cup (100g) finely grated Asiago cheese (plus more for topping)

Dough Preparation

Follow the base recipe for preparing the gluten-free bagel dough. After mixing your wet and dry ingredients to form the dough, incorporate 1 cup of finely grated Asiago cheese into the dough until evenly distributed.

Shaping and Boiling

Shape the bagels as described in the shaping guide. After shaping, proceed with the boiling process without any changes. The boiling step is crucial for achieving the bagel’s signature chewy texture.

Adding Cheese Topping

Before baking, add an extra cheesy touch to your bagels:

  • Egg Wash (Optional but Recommended): Brush the top of each boiled bagel with an egg wash (1 beaten egg mixed with 1 tablespoon of water). This will help the cheese stick to the bagels and give them a beautiful golden sheen.
  • Asiago Topping: Sprinkle a generous amount of finely grated Asiago cheese on top of each bagel. The egg wash will help the cheese adhere to the dough.


Bake the bagels in the preheated oven at 425°F (220°C) for 20-25 minutes, or until they are golden brown and the cheese on top is melted and slightly crispy. The presence of cheese might slightly alter the baking time, so keep an eye on them to prevent burning.

Serving Suggestions

Asiago Bagels are delicious on their own, thanks to the rich flavor of the cheese. They can also be served with:

  • Cream cheese for a creamy contrast
  • Butter, for those who prefer simplicity
  • A slice of tomato and a sprinkle of salt for a fresh, savory snack
  • Avocado slices or guacamole for a creamy and nutritious option


Asiago Bagels are best enjoyed fresh, but they can be stored in an airtight container at room temperature for a couple of days. For longer storage, freeze them in a sealed bag. To serve, thaw and toast for a warm, crispy exterior.

The Best Toppings and Fillings for Your Bagel    

Bagels are incredibly versatile, serving as a blank canvas for a wide array of toppings and fillings. Whether you prefer sweet, savory, or a combination of flavors, there’s a bagel topping or filling to satisfy your taste buds. Here are some of the best toppings and fillings to elevate your bagel experience:

Savory Toppings and Fillings

  • Cream Cheese Varieties: Beyond classic plain cream cheese, explore flavors like chive and onion, garlic and herb, or smoked salmon cream cheese for a flavorful twist.
  • Smoked Salmon (Lox): Pair with cream cheese, thinly sliced red onions, capers, and a squeeze of lemon for a classic New York-style bagel.
  • Avocado or Guacamole: Mash avocado with a pinch of salt, lime juice, and chili flakes for a simple, nutritious topping. Add sliced tomatoes or radishes for extra flavor and crunch.
  • Egg and Cheese: A scrambled or fried egg with melted cheese makes for a hearty breakfast bagel. Add bacon, ham, or sausage for extra protein.
  • Hummus: Top your bagel with hummus for a creamy and savory option. Add cucumber slices, sprouts, and a drizzle of olive oil for freshness.
  • Pesto and Mozzarella: Spread pesto on your bagel and add slices of fresh mozzarella. Toast until the cheese is melted and bubbly.
  • Turkey or Ham: Layer slices of turkey or ham with your choice of cheese, lettuce, tomato, and mustard or mayo for a lunchtime treat.

Sweet Toppings and Fillings

  • Nut Butters: Spread peanut, almond, or cashew butter on your bagel. Top with banana slices or a drizzle of honey for added sweetness.
  • Fruit and Cream Cheese: Mix cream cheese with a little honey and spread on your bagel. Top with fresh berries, sliced peaches, or figs.
  • Cinnamon Sugar: Mix softened butter with cinnamon and sugar. Spread on your bagel for a sweet, spiced treat.
  • Chocolate Spread: Nutella or any chocolate-hazelnut spread pairs wonderfully with bagels. Add sliced strawberries or bananas for a decadent breakfast or snack.
  • Yogurt and Granola: Spread Greek yogurt on your bagel and top with granola and honey. Add some fresh berries for a breakfast that feels like dessert.
  • Ricotta and Fruit: Spread ricotta cheese on your bagel, then top with sliced fruit like strawberries or peaches. Drizzle with honey and sprinkle with chopped nuts for crunch.

Unique Combinations

  • Apple and Cheddar: Thinly slice apples and cheddar cheese for a sweet and savory combination. Toast until the cheese melts slightly.
  • Bacon, Egg, and Avocado: For a filling breakfast, layer bacon, a fried egg, and sliced avocado on your bagel.
  • Tuna Salad: Mix tuna with mayo, diced celery, and onion. Spread on your bagel for a protein-packed lunch.
  • Buffalo Chicken: Shred cooked chicken and mix with buffalo sauce. Top with blue cheese or ranch dressing for a spicy kick.
  • Mediterranean Veggie: Spread hummus on your bagel and top with sliced cucumbers, tomatoes, olives, and feta cheese for a Mediterranean flair.

A Perfect Pairing for Bagels: Fresh and Delicious Chicken Salad

chicken salad

Elevate your bagel experience with a classic and refreshing Chicken Salad, a dish celebrated for its versatility, ease of preparation, and delightful taste. This Chicken Salad recipe, featuring tender chunks of chicken, crisp celery, and juicy grapes, all enveloped in a creamy dressing, is a testament to the dish’s global appeal. The addition of crunchy almonds or walnuts introduces a wonderful texture contrast, making it not just a meal but a sensory experience. The sweetness of the grapes beautifully complements the savory chicken, while the lemon juice and honey in the dressing add a subtle tang and sweetness that ties all the flavors together.

How to Keep Bagels Fresh

Keeping bagels fresh is crucial to maintaining their taste and texture. Whether you’ve made a batch of homemade bagels or brought some home from your favorite bakery, here are effective ways to keep them fresh:

Day of Purchase or Baking

  • Room Temperature: Store bagels in a paper bag inside a plastic bag (but not completely sealed) on the counter if you plan to eat them within 48 hours. The paper bag absorbs moisture, while the slightly open plastic bag keeps them from drying out too quickly.

For Short-Term Storage (Up to 5 Days)

  • Refrigerate: Although refrigeration can cause bagels to stale faster due to moisture loss, if you’re in a humid environment or if the bagels are slightly moist, refrigeration can help. Wrap them in foil or place them in a resealable plastic bag.

For Long-Term Storage

  • Freeze: Freezing is the best way to preserve the freshness of bagels for the long term.
  • Slice Before Freezing: Slice bagels in half before freezing. This way, you can toast them straight from the freezer without needing to thaw.
  • Wrap Tightly: Wrap each bagel or bagel half tightly in plastic wrap, aluminum foil, or place them in a freezer-safe bag. Removing as much air as possible prevents freezer burn.
  • Freeze: Store them in the freezer. Properly wrapped and sealed bagels can last for up to 3 months without significant loss of quality.

Thawing (If Needed):

  • If you prefer to thaw your bagels before eating, leave them at room temperature for a few hours or overnight in the fridge. For a quicker method, you can microwave them for 20-30 seconds before toasting.

Reheating Bagels

  • Toasting: The best way to revive a day-old or frozen bagel is by toasting it. If it’s frozen, you don’t need to thaw it first; just extend the toasting time.
  • Oven: For multiple bagels, preheat your oven to 375°F (190°C) and bake for 4-5 minutes if at room temperature, or 15-20 minutes from frozen. Spritzing a little water on the crust before heating can help freshen the bagel.

How to Defrost a Bagel

Defrosting a bagel properly can help maintain its texture and taste, making it almost as good as fresh. Here are some effective methods to defrost a bagel:

Room Temperature

  • Take the bagel out of the freezer and leave it in its freezer bag or wrap. If it’s not in a bag, transfer it to a resealable plastic bag or wrap it in foil.
  • Let it thaw at room temperature for a few hours. This method is gentle and helps prevent the bagel from becoming too tough or chewy.
  • Refresh in the oven or toaster (optional): Once thawed, you can refresh the bagel by heating it in a preheated oven at 375°F (190°C) for 4-5 minutes, or slice and toast it to your liking.


  • Wrap the bagel lightly in a paper towel. This helps absorb excess moisture and prevents the bagel from becoming too chewy.
  • Microwave on the defrost setting for 30 to 60 seconds, depending on the size of the bagel and the power of your microwave. Check halfway through and flip or rotate the bagel if necessary.
  • Toast if desired: After microwaving, you might want to toast the bagel to restore its crispness and warmth.

Direct Toasting (From Frozen)

  • Slice the bagel if it’s not already sliced before freezing. This might require a bit of effort since the bagel is frozen.
  • Toast on a low setting first: Place the slices in the toaster and use a low setting to start the defrosting process without burning the outside.
  • Increase the heat: Once the bagel has softened, increase the toaster setting to get the desired level of crispness.

Oven Baking (From Frozen)

  • Preheat your oven to 375°F (190°C).
  • Wrap the bagel in aluminum foil if it’s not already in an oven-safe wrap. This helps prevent the bagel from drying out.
  • Bake for about 15-20 minutes: Check the bagel after 15 minutes. If it’s a larger or denser bagel, it might need a few more minutes.

Tips for Best Results

  • Avoid refreezing: Once you’ve defrosted a bagel, try not to refreeze it, as this can significantly affect its texture and taste.
  • Use a damp paper towel: When using the microwave method, wrapping the bagel in a damp paper towel can help add moisture back into the bagel, making it softer.
  • Cool before slicing: If you’ve used the oven method, let the bagel cool for a minute or two before slicing to prevent it from becoming too chewy.


How many calories in a bagel with cream cheese?

A typical gluten-free bagel with two tablespoons of cream cheese can range from 300 to 400 calories. The exact count depends on the bagel’s size and the cream cheese’s fat content.

Can you freeze bagels?

Yes, you can freeze gluten-free bagels. For best results, slice them first, then freeze them in airtight bags or containers. They can last up to 3 months frozen and can be toasted directly from the freezer for convenience.

Are bagels vegan?

Gluten-free bagels can be vegan, but it’s essential to check the ingredients. Some bagels may contain honey, eggs, or dairy. Look for bagels labeled vegan or check the ingredient list to ensure they meet your dietary preferences.

How to keep bagels fresh?

To keep gluten-free bagels fresh, store them in an airtight container at room temperature for up to 2 days. For longer storage, you can refrigerate them for up to a week or freeze them for up to 3 months.

What makes a bagel different from regular bread?

Bagels are unique due to their cooking process, which involves boiling them in water before baking. This step gives them a distinctive chewy texture and a shiny, slightly crispy outer crust, setting them apart from regular bread.

Is there a difference in taste between gluten-free and regular bagels?

Gluten-free bagels can taste remarkably similar to regular bagels, especially when made with a carefully crafted blend of gluten-free flours and gums. The key difference lies in texture, but with the right recipe, gluten-free bagels can satisfy even the most discerning bagel aficionados.


Gluten-free bagels? They’re not just a possibility; they’re a delicious reality. With this guide, you’re well on your way to mastering the art of gluten-free bagel making. Whether you’re craving an asiago bagel for lunch or a toasted bagel with cream cheese for breakfast, the world of gluten-free bagels is yours to explore and enjoy.

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