Easy Fluffy Pancake Recipe – Perfect for Breakfast or Brunch


Pancakes, a dish as versatile as it is delicious, have been a staple in diets around the globe for centuries. From the fluffy American stack drizzled with syrup to the thin and crispy French crêpe, pancakes embody the spirit of culinary creativity and simplicity. This guide will take you on a journey through the art of pancake making, exploring various recipes, including mini pancakes, protein-packed variations, and even how to utilize an air fryer for this beloved dish.

Basic Pancake Recipe


  • 100g plain flour
  • 2 eggs
  • 300ml semi-skimmed milk
  • 1 tbsp sunflower oil or vegetable oil, plus extra for frying
  • A pinch of salt

Step-by-Step Guide:

Prepare the Batter:
  1. Put 100g plain flour and a pinch of salt into a large mixing bowl.
  2. Make a well in the centre and crack 2 eggs into the middle.
  3. Pour in about 50ml from the 300ml of semi-skimmed milk and 1 tbsp sunflower oil.
  4. Start whisking from the centre, gradually drawing the flour into the eggs, milk, and oil. Once all the flour is incorporated, beat until you have a smooth, thick paste. Add a little more milk if it is too stiff to beat.
  5. Add a good splash of milk and whisk to loosen the thick batter. While still whisking, pour in a steady stream of the remaining milk. Continue pouring and whisking until you have a batter that is the consistency of slightly thick single cream.
Cooking the Pancakes:
  1. Heat the pan over a moderate heat, then wipe it with oiled kitchen paper.
  2. Ladle some batter into the pan, tilting the pan to move the mixture around for a thin and even layer. Quickly pour any excess batter into the mixing bowl, return the pan to the heat.
  3. Leave to cook, undisturbed, for about 30 secs. If the pan is the right temperature, the pancake should turn golden underneath after about 30 secs and will be ready to turn.
  4. Hold the pan handle, ease a palette knife under the pancake, then quickly lift and flip it over. Make sure the pancake is lying flat against the base of the pan with no folds, then cook for another 30 secs before turning out onto a warm plate.
  5. Continue with the rest of the batter, serving them as you cook or stack onto a plate. You can freeze the pancakes for 1 month, wrapped in cling film or make them up to a day ahead.

For a twist on the classic, explore the whimsical Grimace Shake Recipe, perfect for those who enjoy experimenting with flavors beyond the breakfast table.

Mini Pancakes: A Delightful Variation

Mini pancakes, often referred to as “silver dollar pancakes,” are a delightful variation on the traditional pancake. Their appeal lies not just in their adorable size but also in their versatility and the fun ways they can be served. Here’s what makes them special and some creative ideas on how to serve them:

What Makes Mini Pancakes Special

  • Bite-Sized Fun: Their small size makes them perfect for snacking, sharing, and enjoying in a variety of ways that larger pancakes might not permit.
  • Kid-Friendly: Children love the manageable size of mini pancakes, making them a hit for breakfast, brunch, or even school lunches.
  • Versatile Serving Options: Mini pancakes can be served in ways that traditional pancakes cannot, such as skewered, stacked, or as part of a platter, making them ideal for parties and gatherings.
  • Customizable Toppings: Each mini pancake can be topped differently, allowing for a variety of flavors in one serving and making them perfect for tasting parties or when catering to different taste preferences.
  • Perfect for Dipping: Their size makes them ideal for dipping into syrups, chocolate, honey, or any preferred sauce, adding an interactive and enjoyable element to eating.

How to Serve Mini Pancakes

  • Pancake Skewers: Alternate mini pancakes with fresh fruits like strawberries, bananas, and blueberries on skewers. Serve with a side of maple syrup or chocolate sauce for dipping.
  • Mini Pancake Stacks: Stack three to four mini pancakes with layers of your favorite toppings in between, such as Nutella, peanut butter, jam, or whipped cream. Top with a small piece of fruit for an elegant presentation.
  • Breakfast Platter: Arrange mini pancakes on a large platter with a variety of toppings and sides, such as different fruits, nuts, syrups, and spreads, allowing everyone to customize their plate.
  • Pancake Sliders: Use mini pancakes as the “buns” for breakfast sliders. Fill them with small sausage patties, bacon strips, scrambled eggs, or cheese for a savory breakfast treat.
  • Dessert Canapés: Top mini pancakes with a dollop of cream cheese frosting, a drizzle of caramel or chocolate sauce, and a sprinkle of crushed nuts or mini chocolate chips for a sweet, bite-sized dessert.

Warm your soul with every spoonful of this Delicious Lasagna Soup, a comforting recipe that pairs wonderfully with the savory notes of breakfast pancakes.

Making the Perfect Pancake in a Pan

Making the perfect pancake involves not just the right batter but also the technique and the tools you use. Achieving that golden-brown perfection and executing a flawless flip can elevate your pancake game significantly. Here are some tips for mastering the perfect flip and choosing the right pan for your pancakes.

Tips for the Perfect Flip

  • Wait for the Right Moment: The key to a perfect flip is timing. Wait until bubbles form on the surface of the pancake and the edges start to look set and slightly dry. This usually means the bottom is cooked enough to hold together during a flip.
  • Use a Non-Stick Spatula: A wide, flexible non-stick spatula is your best friend for flipping pancakes. It can slide easily under the pancake without damaging it and provides enough support for a smooth flip.
  • Confidence is Key: Hesitation can lead to pancake disaster. Once you’ve decided it’s time to flip, commit to it. A quick, confident wrist action is more effective than a slow, tentative move.
  • Practice the Motion: If you’re new to flipping pancakes, you might want to practice with a bread slice or an empty pan to get the wrist motion down. It’s all about the quick flick of the wrist.
  • Don’t Overcrowd the Pan: Give each pancake enough room. Crowding the pan makes it difficult to flip pancakes without them running into each other.
  • One Flip Only: Ideally, pancakes should only be flipped once. Flipping them back and forth can make them tough and can ruin that perfect golden finish.

Choosing the Right Pan

  • Non-Stick Surface: A non-stick skillet or griddle is crucial for making pancakes. It ensures that the pancakes can be easily flipped and removed without sticking, reducing the need for excessive oil or butter.
  • Size Matters: The size of the pan depends on how many pancakes you want to make at once. A larger pan or griddle allows you to cook multiple pancakes simultaneously, but make sure it fits on your burner evenly to cook each pancake uniformly.
  • Even Heat Distribution: Choose a pan that is known for its even heat distribution. Cast iron skillets are excellent for retaining heat and cooking evenly, but they must be well-seasoned to prevent sticking. Heavy-bottomed non-stick pans are also a good choice for even cooking.
  • Consider the Edges: Pans with slightly sloped sides are ideal for pancakes. They make it easier to slide the spatula under the pancake for flipping.
  • Temperature Control: Being able to control the temperature is key. If you’re using an electric griddle, you can set the exact temperature. On a stove, you may need to adjust the heat as you go to find the sweet spot where pancakes cook through without burning.

For more culinary inspirations, explore pancake recipes from around the world, offering a variety of flavors and styles to suit any taste.

Premier Protein Pancakes

Incorporating protein into your pancakes is a fantastic way to boost your morning meal’s nutritional value, making it more satisfying and beneficial for muscle repair and growth. Protein pancakes, especially those made with high-quality protein sources like Premier Protein, can be a delicious and healthful addition to your diet. Here’s how to incorporate protein into your pancakes and the benefits of doing so.

Incorporating Protein into Your Pancakes

  • Use Protein Powder: One of the easiest ways to make protein pancakes is by adding protein powder to your batter. Premier Protein powder is a great choice due to its high protein content and low sugar levels. For every cup of flour, consider adding one scoop of protein powder. Adjust the liquid in your recipe as needed since protein powder can absorb more moisture.
  • Add Greek Yogurt: Greek yogurt is another excellent protein source that can be added to pancake batter. It not only increases the protein content but also gives the pancakes a moist, tender texture. Replace part of the liquid in your recipe with Greek yogurt.
  • Incorporate Egg Whites: Egg whites are almost pure protein and can be used to boost the protein content of your pancakes. Consider adding an extra egg white or two to the batter, or use a combination of whole eggs and egg whites for a lighter texture.
  • Use Cottage Cheese: Blending cottage cheese into your pancake batter until smooth before mixing with the dry ingredients can significantly increase the protein content without altering the flavor much.
  • Choose High-Protein Flours: Replace all-purpose flour with high-protein alternatives like almond flour, oat flour, or even chickpea flour. These flours not only add protein but also bring different flavors and nutritional profiles to your pancakes.

Benefits of Protein Pancakes

  • Increased Satiety: Protein is more satiating than carbohydrates or fats, which means protein pancakes can help keep you fuller for longer, reducing the likelihood of snacking between meals.
  • Muscle Repair and Growth: Consuming adequate protein is essential for muscle repair and growth, especially if you lead an active lifestyle or engage in regular exercise. Protein pancakes can be a delicious recovery meal.
  • Weight Management: Due to their high satiety level, protein pancakes can aid in weight management by helping you consume fewer calories throughout the day.
  • Stable Energy Levels: Unlike traditional pancakes that are high in sugars and refined carbs, protein pancakes provide a more balanced macronutrient profile, helping to maintain stable blood sugar levels and energy throughout the morning.
  • Nutritional Value: Adding protein to your pancakes, especially when using ingredients like Greek yogurt, cottage cheese, or protein powders like Premier Protein, can increase the overall nutritional value of your meal, providing essential vitamins and minerals in addition to protein.

Protein Pancake Mix for a Healthy Twist

Choosing the Right Protein Pancake Mix

When selecting a commercial protein pancake mix, consider the following factors to ensure you’re getting a healthy, high-quality product:

  • Protein Source: Look for mixes that use high-quality protein sources. Whey, casein, and plant-based proteins like pea or almond protein are excellent choices. Ensure the protein source aligns with your dietary preferences (e.g., vegetarian, vegan).
  • Whole Food Ingredients: The best mixes contain whole food ingredients, such as whole wheat or oat flour, instead of refined flours. These offer more fiber and nutrients.
  • Low in Added Sugars: Check the label for added sugars. Opt for mixes with minimal added sugars to keep your pancakes as healthy as possible.
  • No Artificial Additives: Avoid mixes with artificial flavors, colors, or preservatives. The fewer the ingredients, and the more recognizable they are, the better.
  • Nutritional Balance: Besides protein, look for a mix that provides a good balance of carbohydrates and healthy fats. This balance ensures sustained energy throughout the morning.

DIY Protein Pancake Mix Recipe

Making your own protein pancake mix allows you to control the ingredients and customize the mix to your taste and nutritional needs. Here’s a simple recipe to get you started:

  • 2 cups whole wheat flour or oat flour (for a gluten-free option)
  • 1 cup protein powder (whey or plant-based)
  • 2 tablespoons baking powder
  • 1 teaspoon baking soda
  • 2 tablespoons ground flaxseed or chia seeds (optional, for added fiber and omega-3s)
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • Optional: 1-2 tablespoons sweetener of choice (e.g., stevia, monk fruit, or coconut sugar)
  1. Mix Dry Ingredients: In a large bowl, whisk together the flour, protein powder, baking powder, baking soda, ground flaxseed or chia seeds, salt, and sweetener (if using) until well combined.
  2. Store: Transfer the mix to an airtight container. It can be stored in a cool, dry place for up to 3 months.
To Make Pancakes:
  1. Prepare the Batter: For every 1 cup of pancake mix, whisk together with about 3/4 cup of milk (dairy or plant-based), 1 egg (or a flax egg for a vegan option), and 1 tablespoon of oil or melted butter. Adjust the milk as needed to reach your desired batter consistency.
  2. Cook: Preheat a non-stick skillet or griddle over medium heat. Pour 1/4 cup portions of the batter onto the skillet. Cook until bubbles form on the surface, then flip and cook until golden brown.

This DIY protein pancake mix is not only healthier than many store-bought options but also customizable and convenient for quick, nutritious breakfasts. Enjoy your protein pancakes topped with fresh fruit, a dollop of Greek yogurt, or a drizzle of natural maple syrup for a delicious start to your day.

Air Fryer Pancakes: A Modern Twist

Making pancakes in an air fryer is a modern twist on the traditional skillet method, offering a new way to enjoy this classic breakfast dish with less mess and potentially healthier results. Here’s how to make pancakes using an air fryer and the benefits of adopting this cooking method.

How to Make Pancakes in an Air Fryer

  • Your favorite pancake batter (homemade or from a mix)
  • Cooking spray or oil for greasing
  1. Prepare the Batter: Mix your pancake batter according to your recipe or the instructions on the mix. If you’re trying to increase your protein intake, consider adding a scoop of protein powder to the mix.
  2. Preheat the Air Fryer: Set your air fryer to 350°F (175°C) and let it preheat for a few minutes. Preheating helps cook the pancakes evenly.
  3. Prepare the Basket: Lightly grease the air fryer basket with cooking spray or a brush of oil to prevent the pancakes from sticking. Some people use parchment paper with holes punched in it to allow air flow, placed at the bottom of the basket.
  4. Cook the Pancakes: Pour or scoop the batter into the air fryer basket, forming small pancakes. Do not overcrowd the basket; cook in batches if necessary. The size of your air fryer will dictate how many pancakes you can cook at once.
  5. Cooking Time: Cook for about 5-6 minutes, or until the pancakes are golden brown and cooked through. You may want to flip them halfway through the cooking time to ensure even browning, although this isn’t always necessary depending on your air fryer model.
  6. Serve and Enjoy: Remove the pancakes from the air fryer and serve them with your favorite toppings, such as fresh fruit, syrup, or a sprinkle of powdered sugar.

Benefits of Using an Air Fryer for Pancakes

  • Less Oil: Air frying requires less oil than traditional frying, making pancakes a bit healthier without sacrificing taste or texture.
  • Even Cooking: The circulating hot air in an air fryer cooks food evenly, so pancakes come out consistently cooked through every time.
  • Quick and Convenient: Air fryers heat up quickly and cook food faster than ovens, saving you time in the kitchen, especially for small batches.
  • Easy Cleanup: Cooking pancakes in an air fryer can be less messy than using a skillet. The non-stick basket minimizes cleanup, and there’s no splattering of oil or batter.
  • Versatility: Beyond pancakes, air fryers can cook a wide range of foods, from breakfast items to dinners and desserts, making it a versatile kitchen appliance.
  • Space-Saving: For those with limited kitchen space, an air fryer can be a compact alternative to a full-size oven or stovetop, offering a way to cook many types of meals in one device.

FAQs About Pancakes

  • What is the secret to good pancakes? The secret lies in not overmixing the batter; lumps are perfectly fine and ensure a fluffy texture.
  • What were pancakes originally called? In ancient times, pancakes were known as “griddle cakes” or “flapjacks” in various cultures.
  • What are British pancakes called? British pancakes are similar to the French crêpe, thinner than their American counterpart, and often served with sugar and lemon juice.
  • What is a pancake made of? A basic pancake batter consists of flour, eggs, milk, and a leavening agent like baking powder, creating a versatile base for many variations.


Pancakes are more than just a breakfast food; they’re a global phenomenon that brings people together. Whether you prefer them thin and crispy or thick and fluffy, there’s a pancake out there for everyone. So why not whip up a batch today and start your own pancake tradition?

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